Today is day 4 and my 3rd day of meds.
I really under estimated the emotional side of ivf... I've been waiting to start and have been more than ready to start and then when it came to doing my first needle i started to freak out abit... not about the needle itself but about all the factors involved....what if we don't get enough eggs... what if this fails...aaarggghh it lead to a very emotional 2 days.. but now we have started and i need to suck it up.. i need to remember it is all out of my hands and what will be will be.. and if we fail..we go again.
Overall I'm feeling fine. I did however wake up with what feels like the first of the flu, so a day on the couch it is for me... and I'm going to enjoy every second of it before my working week starts tomorrow.
Friday morning i will have a scan to see how i am progressing and Friday afternoon Mr J comes home.. i am super excited, it has been too long.. 8 long weeks does nothing for my emotions right now so it will be nice to have him home..
I hope this IVF cycle and your scan on Friday goes well.