Yesterday was my Due Date for my Angel Sienna..
How i wish yesterday could have been different.. i should have had the hugest belly and had a pretty pink nursery all set up. I would have been so ready for her. I was ready for her, I wanted her so so much. Some times it feels all like a bad dream.
I didn't really do anything... I was sad all day.
I Just hope she knows how loved she is and how much we really wanted to bring her home..
IVF Update: So yesterday was extra crappy as i went in for a scan to check on my progress.. I had only about 5 follicles that were the right size or headed that way.. I'm pretty upset. Last cycle i was 2 days behind this and my count was way better and this time my dose is a little higher.. i know it doesn't spell doom... my clinic doesn't like you to get too many eggs and they said this was fine and not to worry.... but this time i really wanted more than last time.
so I'm a little disappointed.. I'm going through everything and I'm sure i did it all right, I'm just annoyed that my body didn't want to play the game this time..
I have decided that it is out of my hands tho and i will have to stop stressing.. tigger will be on wed night for a Friday collection.. Fingers crossed all goes to plan (my plan that is) :o)
Fingers are crossed for you!